
By chance I stumbled into the kind of secret world that you only ever read about or see on TV. I was in the right (wrong) bar complaining to the…

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Depression Quest

No medication, no therapist. Alone in a box barely big enough for the bed that came with it (at least it had that). I got drunk and took a lot of midnight walks. I lived next to a bar called “Dive” for fuck’s sake.

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Elle King at the Vic Theater

On November 10th, 2018 I saw Elle King at the Vic Theater in Chicago. I gotta say it was a lot more entertaining than I could have hoped. While most of the credit goes to Ms. King for her enthralling performance, there are a few other things to factor in as well. A couple fights. A touching moment between a mother and her son. All in all, pretty good night. […]

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From what I’ve heard and seen this is the strongest launch of a Call of Duty title in a long time. I didn’t play any of the preceding titles at launch, so this is a first for me, but the servers are always active and I’ve been [spoiler] really enjoying myself![…]

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